Brewing methods

Brewing methods

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Brewing methods are available at out stores

Visit one of our stores to purchase your brewing method for coffee. They are also happy to help you make a choice that suits you. And, of course, they are happy to give advice on our coffee beans.

Coffee brewing methods

In addition to full-automatic and semi-automatic espresso machines, there are different ways to brew coffee. Consider pour-over coffee or Truk coffee, for example.


Cafetière, also called French Press, is a brewing method that allows you to make a flavorful and aromatic coffee. With just a few steps, you create your perfect cup of coffee.  

Moka pot

A moka pot is a traditional way of brewing coffee and is still widely used in countries such as Italy. It is important to use fresh beans and make sure you use the right amount of water. Want to know how to make coffee with a moka pot? Read about it here


A percolator consists of three parts with which, based on steam pressure, you can brew a richer and more intense coffee. This way of brewing coffee is quite simple, if you follow our step-by-step plan. 

Pour Over

The Pour Over brewing method is a manual way of brewing coffee. With freshly ground coffee in a filter and manually pouring hot water over the coffee, you create a delicious cup of coffee. By manually pouring the hot water, you have control over the process. Want to know more? Read about it here.


An aeropress is a small device that allows you to manually brew a cup of coffee. In addition to adding ground beans and water, this method requires you to manually stir the coffee in the appate. Fortunately, this method is quite easy once you know which ones steps, are available.